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Sugar Metal Customs

Transform your surroundings with the perfect blend of artistry and durability, creating spaces that stand the test of time.

3D Modeling

Pro Installation

Custom Finishes


Don’t compromise on outdoor comfort. Sugar Metal Customs ensures lasting quality with our meticulously crafted and expertly installed pergolas. In other words, all you have to do is sit back in the shade and relax.

Garden Boxes

Create a garden that lasts with Sugar Metal Customs. We provide and install weather-resistant garden boxes for enduring beauty. Our boxes last up to years longer than traditional wooden boxes, not to mention needing less upkeep.

Gates and Handrails

Sugar Metal Customs ensures safety without sacrificing style. Compare our weather-resistant gates and handrails for entrances that stand the test of time.

Featured Work

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Size, shape, finish/color, will you need this installed? Any info helps!